Performance Analysis – People & Task

Have you ever had a top sales person that sells a lot but with poor margins, or a slow sales person that returns great margin? Why is that?

Or maybe a sales person that even when you give them some tools to use they still don’t make progress? Why is that?

You can’t do it all but you can Make Improvements to what you have.

Sales Data Capture & Behavioural Analysis 

When you capture the right sales and behavioral data you will get to identify why even top performers get stalled at times.

DISC profiles will often uncover the real reasons for underperformance. Sales data will give you the general direction to look at, DISC will give you the clarity to work with to solve it.

Know what to Measure – measure it!

Data and Behavioural Styles.

Sales Process Identification and Creation

Every sales team must have a sales process to follow and to be coached from.

All it takes is a set of post-it notes, pens and a bit of time and we can certainly together create a sales process that is clear and actionable for all.

Have Clarity around what your Process is as this becomes the foundation to it all.

Strategic Sales Planning – Reverse Enginering

Sales performance starts when there is a clear set of goals and objectives set from the top. To do this we must truly understand the businesses ‘numbers’.

When we see the big picture clearly we can then and only then start setting out the correct plan to achieve our goals.

Set Clear Goals and Objectives – they need clear expectations and goals set.

Team Goals Allocation

Sales professionals and leaders are generally driven by two things depending on their behavioural style.

1: The results – achieving what they set out to do

2: The results – having their team achieve their goals and experience success and growth.

You see one will be a ‘Task Manager’ and self focused and the other ‘People Manager’ and team/individual growth focused.

Which are you? Why is that?

Be Prepared to be there for them, to Challenge, Coach and Encourage.

Coaching – Embedding for Greatest Success

Great managers need to be awesome coaches – it is important to engage, empower our teams to succeed and this means the regular and consistant embedding of knowledge – one step at a time.

One on one meetings, team meetings and daily (if possible) observation and stand up meetings.

Sound like a lot – when done correctly this will take no more than 20 minutes a day or less per team member.


Try ‘Why Is That’ Process

Why Is That?

When a performance issue arises we will often think “Why Is That?” We start to analyze the situation that occurred and piece together what happened, good or bad.

We begin to create scenarios of how things occurred, listen to others stories of the event and gather information.

However to be a good coach we have to restrict our information gathering to facts not the opinions of others.

We have to understand that to ‘react’ could be dangerous, we must consider the situation and ‘respond’ rationally based on facts.

Sales data – Behavioural Assessments (DISC) together will give us the foundations we need to get to stage 2.

Is that Why?

Is That Why?

“Understanding our ‘numbers’ from the top down is imperative to the resolution of most performance issues.

You see clarity starts here! If we don’t see the big picture and therefore have no understanding of what our individual objectives are false expectations will be set or implied and upset will occur.

When clarity coupled with strong values and understanding our ‘WHY’ go hand in hand then expectations are clear, they can be mapped, measured and monitored.

Areas for improvement identified through analysis or data and assessments then coaching applied to the relevant area of concern.

We will get to have that “Is That Why?” moment when the mud starts to settle and the root cause of the issue becomes clear.

Now we can respond to issues, conduct deeper more meaningful one on one coaching sessions and team meetings and get better buy in and better outcomes.

Entering stage 3 – That Is Why!” 

That Is Why!

OK we have analysed the data, listened to the stories but gathered the facts. What if the data highlights a need to improve a particular KPI the same KPI week after week, what do you do?

Here is why we have a Sales Process and DISC Behavioural Assessments.

First we go to our process and check the KPI data.

1. Sales process will identify the lowest KPI statistic however this may not be the reason for their overall underperformance – always ‘look to the left’ when analysing a sales process, often because of a weakness or lack of effort earlier in the process, then a sales person will have a poorer outcome.

2. Go deeper and be a better coach – take a minute to look at your team members DISC assessment especially their areas where they are weaker and have to put more effort in. This will often be the cause of the performance anxiety that restricts their growth, thus the repetitive underperformance.

Curious enough to find out more – Reach out Now!

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